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11 people died of suspected heat-related causes in 2023, B.C. coroner finds

Majority of people, as with 2021 heat dome, were aged 60 or older
Preliminary data from the BC Coroners Service shows 11 people died in B.C. in 2023 from heat-related causes. (Black Press Media file photo)

Preliminary coroner's data suggests 11 people died in B.C. from heat-related causes in 2023, a small decrease from the year prior and a fraction of the number caused by the 2021 heat dome. 

In a report released Tuesday (June 25), the BC Coroners Service found the majority of suspected deaths last year occurred during the hottest summer months of July and August, when nine people passed. One person also died in each of May and June. 

Most people who died were aged 60 or older (7 deaths), while another three people were aged 50 to 59 and one person was under the age of 30.

The BC Coroners Service further found eight of the deaths were among men and three were among women. By region, five deaths occurred in the Interior Health Authority, two occurred in Fraser Health and four occurred in Island Health. 

Previous years

The service hasn't publicized total heat-related deaths for past years, but it has documented deaths caused by a heat wave in 2022 and the heat dome in 2021. 

From July 26 to Aug. 3, 2022, when many regions saw daily temperatures hit 10 C higher than normal, 16 people died from suspected heat-related causes. As with 2023, the majority of fatalities were among people aged 60 and older. 

During the 2021 heat dome, which stretched from June 25 to July 1 and saw daily highs hit 40 C, the BC Coroners Service recorded an astounding 619 heat-related deaths. Then, as in the last two years, seniors were hit the hardest.

Other demographics who suffered a disproportionate number of deaths included people with chronic diseases and mental illnesses, those living in poorer neighbourhoods and those living alone. Only seven per cent of the 619 people had air conditioning and just 24 per cent had fans. 

This summer, Environment Canada is forecasting above normal temperatures for all of B.C., except the coast. 

Environment Canada is forecasting above normal temperatures across the country for summer 2024, with the exception of coastal B.C. (Environment Canada graphic)

Heat preparedness 

B.C.'s ambulance service, BC Emergency Health Services, is urging people to prepare ahead of time for any potential heat waves.

The service recommends that people make a plan for how they will stay cool, whether that means staying in their own home, finding air conditioned public spaces or going to stay at a friend or family member's place. BCEHS is also asking people to look out for other people in their community who may not have a support system to help them.

Paramedics with the service suggest people learn how to block out their windows, buy an air conditioner or build their own affordable one, and place wet towels inside plastic bags in the freezer to be used later on their necks and under their armpits. 

More preparation information can be found here.  

About the Author: Jane Skrypnek

I'm a provincial reporter for Black Press Media.
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